Kamis, 29 September 2016

Two things I always bring

Hello everyone, how are you? I am still good, oops turns out nobody questioned about me hehe... Ok on this time I will discuss about the two things that I always bring, hmmm ... Wonder it what is it that I always bring. You want to know? Lets check it out.

The first thing I always bring is clothing. Clothes are very important because it is useful to cover our bodies not to be seen (sorry) naked. Besides that clothing also serves as heating during the cold. In this age have a lot of kinds of clothes, and I wonder why clothes today are too short and revealing body parts that should not be shown publicly.

Furthermore, the second thing I always bring is glasses. Wait why with glasses ? Ya it's because I was a person with myopia or nearsightedness. This is quite important in my life because as a tool to help me see something , like when learning in class, reading and others. Want to know why I use glasses? It started when I am on fourth grade elementary school, at that time I was curious about the form of the sun and therefore I took the mirror and see the morning sun through the mirror. And as a result I know the sun is round and my vision began to blur. Sound stupid right hehe. Okay so that’ it my discussion about the two things that I always bring, see you in the next post.

Selasa, 27 September 2016

Make a Bank Account

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 was our first meeting with English lecturer, but unfortunately I could not attend due to some reason. Okay I tell you from the beginning, on Wednesday morning as usual I went to college. It was the first week in invented teaching and learning activities on campus so for the first meeting in a physics lesson is not too much to be discussed, only some introductions from the lecturer. Physics lesson time was completed and there is 1 hour to rest and subsequently entered the English language classes. At that time I and another friend went to the Mandiri bank to create a scholarship account. We departed from the campus around 9:30 a.m. Arriving there, I think it is still quiet but it was already crowded with other scholarship recipients . I also took a number in line and get the number 70. Time passed, there are about 2 hours I waited, and when I came queue number is in 30 more. After being called I was still waiting for a while until the charging identity. After that we were ordered to the second floor and there were queuing around 30 minutes. We had thought that English class can not  follow, then the chairman of my group had previously been told to another friend that we will create an account for scholarships . Completed the account creation process we would go to college because there are classes. So that's the reason I do not go in the course of English at 7th September, 2016.

Speech Contest

This speech is from Savanna Fadila. Theme of speech is Lets Visit West Kalimantan 2017. All of us know West Kalimantan or West Borneo in zero degree of equator area make West Kalimatan is a perfect tropical weather. The capital of West Kalimantan is Pontianak City, Pontianak have a lot of interesting thing, first one is the longest river in Indonesia, Kapuas Rriver. You can enjoy the beautiful view of Kapuas river by going along with boat. West Kalimantan have some beautiful place such as Pasir Panjang beach,Kura-Kura beach,etc. West Kalimantanhave some national park too, one of it is Gunung PAlung National Park at North Kayong. In the national park you will se the natural life of Kalimantan forest, unique plants, and a lot of orang utan. Festival in West Kalimantan is so many for example is Robo-Robo an Cap Go Meh West Kalimantan is deserve to visit.

Jumat, 23 September 2016

My Selfie

I actually was not the kind of person who likes to take pictures especially selfie unless at certain moments. This photo was taken on 30 April 2016, at the time alhamdulillah I get sustenance for preparation SBMPTN test study in Bandung. I got this after passing a written test conducted by Perintis Scholarship Salman ITB collaboration with Uang Jajan scholarship to filter participants. I was nervous all the time because this is the first time I go somewhere far from home and alone. But my nervousness was gone after a meet with a lot of friends there. The majority of participants are from Bandung and some were from outside West Java including me. At the beginning of studying there, I was less confident because I think my knowledge so bad, fortunately my friends help me when I do not understand, which initially I did not like chemistry, slowly I think "chemistry is not too difficult". What I liked was when  Sunday, because on Sunday the activities carried out is refreshing like hang out, games and outbound. About 1 month applied upon a time I was there, when we were invited to a farewell dinner to make a show. I was appointed to be part of a skit that will be displayed, and the problem is only 4 hours of preparation before the event began. When on stage I felt awkward, but I can finish it despite a lot of improvisation in dialogue. The next day I was back to Pontianak. That memories really made an impression on my heart. OK thank you for your time to see my story that's a bit disheveled. See you back in my next article bye bye.

Sabtu, 10 September 2016

The Reason Why I Choose Computer System

Hello guys, on this occasion I will explain some of the reasons why I chose the computer system. Ok this is the first time I was typing a blog post so please understandable if nervous :D . Straight to the point, the first reason is because I am interested in the computer, when I was on first grade of high school my interest began to grow probably because I likes to play games :D . I was only trying to use photo and video editing apps, because I do not have a personal computer so I had to borrow my sister’s, who sometimes often locked. I was looking for a way to open with tutorials on the internet, although ultimately failed :D . From there I am more intrigued opening the locked computer without application. Immediately, when I’am on third grade high school classes in March I started to think about where I want to continue my education. I was looking for information on courses related to computers in Univeritas Tanjungpura. I'm getting there 3 courses, the first of which is a technique informatics, second computer system and third information system. Time tests SNMPTN I chose computer systems and informatics techniques. Until the time the announcement of the results SNMPTN Thank God I'm thankful it turned out I did not qualify. Starting from that I learned to prepare for the next selection, SBMPTN. When the election program of study I chose one of computer systems and informatics techniques I remove from the list of options me because after seeing the interest and acceptance of data is quite tight. Long story short, it comes also the announcement of the results SBMPTN, Alhamdulillah, I entered the computer system and give thanks to Allah SWT, but I am aware that this is only the beginning of my journey to deepen my knowledge of computers. So first yes I talk about the reason I got the computer system. Thank you for visiting :D .